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Spaghetti Night

 What You Need:

  • 2 Cans of crushed or diced tomatoes
  • 2 Small cans of tomatoe paste
  • 1 Can mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp of cooking oil or butter (sunflower, vegetable, canola)
  • 1 Large onion
  • 3 Large cloves of garlic
  • 1 Package of whatever sausage you like
  • Whorster-shister Sauc-shter(whorcestershire sauce), oregano, basil, italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste

Missing items: 1 Can of mushrooms, and Sunflower Oil

Putting It Together:

Step 1: Sautee the onions and garlic in the sunflower oil.

Using a food processor, or by hand if you’re hardcore, finley chop the onion, and garlic, and sautee in a large stock pot.

Step 2: Add the sausage.

Add the sausage to the sauteeing onions and garlic. 

Step 3: Brown the sausage.

 Your goal here is not to cook the sausage just to brown it a little.

Step 4: Add the rest of the ingredients.

After adding all the rest of the ingredients, keep it on medium heat until bubbing, then reduce to the lowest heat setting on your stove, and stir frequently to avoid burning to the bottom, you can always get a diffuser to keep it from burning as well.  You will know when it’s done, when the sausage is falling apart.

Step 5: The taste test.


  1. For this you need a slice of bread (Spatulagoddess and I make our own bread).
  2. Toast the bread.  Yes toasted does taste better.
  3. Once the sauce has been boiling on low for a couple of hours, take some and spread it on the toast.
  4. Place a slice of cheese on top, I prefer to sprinkle cheddar, but you gotta work with what you got.
  5. enjoy :).

Step 6: Cook pasta of choice, in this case linguini, and serve topped with cheese of choice, parmesan.

Ok, I know it’s titled “Spaghetti Night” but I also said “pasta of your choice.”.  I didn’t have any spaghetti, and not enough spaghetttini. 😛

Prepared in the kitchen

Best served with fresh homemade bread and a glass of coke. 🙂


My family growing up had few traditions so looked forward to, and followed as religiously as Spaghetti Night.  Every sunday mom, and dad would get up and start the sauce, usually around 6am(I know right?  who gets up that early?!?), once my sister turned of age it was one of the few times she was ever home for dinner. ;), Grandma would usually show up for dinner these nights too. :).  My brother and I, well we were just little kids and we lived out in the country, but we wouldn’t have missed it even if we could have.  It was also the only meal where we were allowed to have Coke for the beverage, another reason we looked forward to it so much.

Around luch it was time to test the sauce, and before we had a bread maker, I would just use normal store bought bread, and after the bread maker, HOMEMADE BREAD, every time, slice it up, toast it, and dip.  Eventually I started spreading the sauce on the toast, and a while after that added some cheese.  A great way to test it, and sneak some of the sausage, if mom wasn’t around. :lol:.

I haven’t made this sauce in probably around 12 years if I’m right.  I thought of doing it this weekend before we went grocery shopping, and then woke up this morning to start the sauce, around 7am, and went back to bed because I was too damned tired to do it at that time.  When I got up at 9 later, I went into a dirty kitchen, we didn’t do the dishes last night, damn. 😦

Well no time like the present, soooo I made some coffee instead, and got that into my system before starting the dishes.

Once the dishes were done, around 11:30, I started getting the ingredients together.  Lined them up for the photo shoot, and started putting it together, remembering the Sunflower oil, oops.  Half way through remembered the can of mushrooms too, oops again.  No big deal.

The sauce was ready around 3:30ish but you really can’t over cook this, the more tender the sausage the better.  Dinner was around 5:15ish.

And The Verdict???:

Well it was almost everything I remembered it to be.  Except the sausage was not quite right.  Girlfriend was not diggin the sausage at all, I liked it, but it just wasn’t the same.  I have to see if Teals’ still make sausage back home, then try again.

I think it was a success, on top of tasting great, I get to have all the sausage to myself.  –keep it clean 8)

Todays distractions: 

  • Soundtrack: Final Fantasy: Distant worlds
  • Video Games: PS3: Ninja Gaiden: Sigma, and PC: Diablo 2 Lords of Destruction (Druid: Thistlebeard)
  • Movie for this evening: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
  • Snack Of The Day: Regular Chips with french onion/sour cream chip dip, and just plain Ritz crackers

finally. whew

12:45 at night and just figured out how to get wordpress app to post. Lol so simple too.

Sweet dreams everyone


Ugh. Humpf. Meh
6 am in the morning should be outlawed 😦

Coffee that’s what I need. Now if only I wasn’t stuck on the john for a half hour 😦

Here’s to hoping the day gets better, I am working a 6hr day today, then off to Hamilton to get 1 tattoo finished, and another started.

With any luck I’ll be able to blog the experience, maybe I’ll take a video, we’ll see. You’ll get pictures either way.

Good morning world. Let every day be a good one no matter how “crappy” it starts. 😉
